Arrgh, I am weeks behind on my blogging responsibilities! I’m going to try and catch up in a hurry this week, so expect a bunch of posts as I wade through the back log. of blog. something about logs.
Where was I? Ah, the foam insulators. Steve was already kind enough to post a video here of the magical expanding action, but there were some other details that are worth sharing.
Although the open cell Icynine foam is reportedly non-toxic, and is partially derived from wholesome veggie sources like castor beans, the guy who does the spraying every day wears a pretty intense protective getup.
Actually, the whole scene is kind of post-apocalyptic, as the 2nd guy on the crew trims the rapidly-expanded gloop with a giant sword-saw.
He just slices it right off!
Post slice, up to the edge of the rafters. This is now conditioned, indoor space!
They generated several huge bags of waste foamy bits. Here the spray guy takes a little nap on the foam bag while the other guys refill the squirter with giant drums of chemicals.
The sword.
The helmet. Notice the foamy bits – it sticks to everything and doesn’t come off easily. The guys warned me not to get to close or I’d get it on my glasses.
Some closeups of the hardened foam. It’s really wild looking stuff, like frosting on a cake or something.
Oh no, the foam is exploding out of the cracks in the walls!