We decided that every bathroom needs at least one window, and BJ said homeowners LOVE skylights. So, we got one. Arnie knew about the special oversized industrial skylights that fit in between our eaves with just 1/4 inch to spare. Good thing we weren’t doing the measuring! Best news is that Arnie told us our roof was in great condition– should last another 20-30 years and is installed totally professionally. For once, Manny did the right thing.
Once we had the skylight in, we realized we needed a window into the hallway– it’s not yet built but is just one more period Rosenlips detail that will confuse future homeowners and keep our hallway light in the dead of winter.
Cutting a big hole in your roof is pretty exciting. Check out all that beautiful light. I think I may spend all my time in the bathroom.
This is the view men will have when they pee.
That’s Arnie doing the installation on the roof.
I made him take a picture from the outside since I’ll probably never get up there to see it myself.
ooooooohhhhhhh … skylights!!! niiiiiice! visitors to your home will love the skylights, too! 🙂
don’t know why my RSS hasn’t been updating me with your new posts. arg!