Hey guys, here is my work for assignments 1 & 2.
Both videos have audio which explain what you are seeing.
Assignment 1, the geometric abstraction, takes place in a party-like setting, where the viewer is the looking through the perspective of the wall.
The interactive animation that I made for assignment 2 takes place in a home-like setting, where the user can interact with the cup of juice sitting on the table, and both windows. These animations are triggered when gemmouse detects that the user’s curser is between the correct coordinates, and that they are clicking the left mouse button.
I hope you enjoyed my works!
– Dan Driggs
Hey I like the animations overall in your Interactive Animation.
The flickering candle is believable, how the juice spills of the table is good, and I also like how you made the room light change as the light source outside the window changes. Good job 🙂
Your animation is really well done. I can tell you spent a long time painting the scene and creating the animations. The candle and cup spill are also very well done.