This week I’d like to share my process on how I went about creating my meme remix of good ol’ Walter White and his memorable scenes throughout the Breaking Bad series. My original concept invloved a video series that showed the “transformation” of Walter from season 1 to the series finale. After realizing that anyone who had not seen the show would be furious with my spoiler-ridden project, I chose a more interactive approach. I brainstormed key quotes from the show concernig Walter and put together an interesting collection of snippets that allowed multiple paths to be derived from a primary video-snippet of Walter simply saying “I am”. I used youtube to find mostly all the snippets and edited them all with Camtasia. The short video lengths worked great with the Xbox controller because of the ability to spam the buttons thus creating that “remix feel” as you can see in my demonstration below:
Thankfully the patch was easy to use and I surprisingly found little difficulty in loading my videos into PD (probably due to the fact I edited with Camtasia). Anyway, I had a blast making it and hopefully you all enjoyed my demo in class as well as the lovely video of Walter above.