The lighting in here is excellent, it definitely fits the theme of your level. You did a really good job creating a realistic feel.
You mentioned in class that the bartender was made by someone else – are you planning to replace him with something of your own later in the term?
Tim, I’d like to see you end up with some assets in the tavern with a little more color, even if it’s just some greens. I think some glass pieces would look great in conjunction with your lighting.
Your level looks very great overall. One thing I noticed, at least from one of your screenshots (2.jpg), is that it looks as though your candles are floating, if that isn’t the shadow of the candle from the light source.
Looks really great. Do you have any plans for an outside space or a skybox that you can see through the windows?
The lighting in here is excellent, it definitely fits the theme of your level. You did a really good job creating a realistic feel.
You mentioned in class that the bartender was made by someone else – are you planning to replace him with something of your own later in the term?
Tim, I’d like to see you end up with some assets in the tavern with a little more color, even if it’s just some greens. I think some glass pieces would look great in conjunction with your lighting.
Your level looks very great overall. One thing I noticed, at least from one of your screenshots (2.jpg), is that it looks as though your candles are floating, if that isn’t the shadow of the candle from the light source.