After my last two images involved growth I thought I should find a way to include that theme with my last drawing as well. I decided this time to go with growing of a slightly different sort. The picture starts out with a little caterpillar on a dark background. Over time things begin to lighten up for the little caterpillar. It’s background becomes light green and it develops a cocoon around it’s caterpillar body. In the code the cocoon function still calls the caterpillar function as the original caterpiller still makes up part of the cocoon image. Later the background turns cyan as the bug grows wings and becomes a butterfly. In the image the cocoon becomes part of the wings. The butterfly function still calls cocoon and cocoon in turn calls caterpillar. The earlier portions of the image literally morph into portions of the new image. If you move the mouse around at any point all colored portions of the bug will change color or saturation based on the x and y coordinates of the mouse.
Edit: I don’t know why so many of my things don’t look right on the blog. For some reason the version here is not adapting to the mouse position even though every time I test it in processing it works for me. I don’t really know how to fix this.