I suppose inspiration comes from many places. I would like to think of myself as someone better versed in the types of art presented in this class than the general public, but I would point out the general public has a very broad taste.
When discussing VJs and visual/audio art the first piece that popped into my head was “The 600 Years”:
The 600 Years from the macula on Vimeo.
Talk about impressive. I am impressed at the time it took to make such a spectacular show. Further the detail was exquisite. The tower truly looked as though it was alive.
I think this kind of art carries heavy weight in that it both combines the new and old and possibly restores interest in older cultural icons. Due to this piece I could easily see some young blood so to speak looking into ways to improve the clock tower and entering the historical society surrounding such historical monuments.
I myself am fascinated by the blending and combination of different projectors to produce such impressive displays. The amount of math and geometry surrounding such a display truly boggles the mind. The Latin metaphor nani gigantum humeris insidentes succinctly expresses my view. (The Latin stands for Dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants)