I love the Gangnam Style song, and I like the version of the song where Hyuna sings even more. So I figured, since the songs have the same tempo and everything, I’d like to make a patch that lets people seamlessly change between the two videos. In PD, I created this patch that lets the user crossfade between the two videos using the X position of the mouse on the screen.
Here is a picture of the program. It’s a little messy. There’s a chunk of unused sound code in there because I wanted sound with the video too but the wav files of the songs were not in agreement with Pure Data so they wouldn’t play.
Here is a link to a youtube video of the program in action. It shows the entire process of using the program. First I got the files, but then I forgot to start the mouse metro so I did that and then the program functions as intended. http://youtu.be/KqMkoCJGNnc