I’ve been told I’ll need to make my creatures more artistic. This may be tricky but I’m going to try. I don’t know how good this will look in final implementation but here are some designs I came up with.
These are the enemy shapes based on their high level stat. The fill and stroke will still be based on secondary stats:
This is the monster if all parts were added. Note that the monster before anything is added will have a body, 1 head, 1 arm, 2 legs (legs just get longer), 1 tail, 1 eye, and 1 wing (note this will be the right wing at the top, so there will be a long line sticking out of the monsters head at the beginning. I know it’s silly but it was the best way to make things fit for all combinations. The monster as a whole is silly so it’s not too out of place):
I had the enemies randomly being created using the simple shapes. ALl of their stats are determined but not directly shown to the player. I have them printing to the console though and they seem to be generating correctly. The fill, stroke, and naming will not change so I might as well post this to give an idea. Press space to generate a new enemy: