The monster is fully made. I do not yet limit the amount of total limbs you can choose so you can add up to 5 more of each part onto the base monster. This is a picture of him with all parts filled in:
I do not have any game components in but the art aspects are basically done. I think I will add background music and maybe sound effects though. I may add a few other things if there is time but for now I will likely move to the game components. My script is below feel free to add parts to the monster. Tap 1 through 6 to add parts. 1 = arms 2=legs 3 = tails 4 = heads 5 = eyes 6 = wings. The keys used will change when the makey makey is added in. Also I thought it looked cool to alternate coloring for the legs and wings. I tried this effect in a few other places and it looked too busy. I like how it came out with the coloring differences just on those two.
On a random note my program is exactly 777 lines long at this point. Just thought that was funny.