mixed two videos with pd_blending. the 1,2,3, and 4 keys change the blending message
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Project II: Meme Mashup
When I started this project I wanted something to do with the Leroy Jankins meme. As you may know it is really an auditory meme. From there I thought I could do something where you would press a button and you would get LEEEEEEROY JAAANNNKINS and a video would go crazy. After getting the audio clips and a few movies together I decided that it didn’t really go together very well. I then decided that I would like to incorporate more sound so I started cutting samples out of other songs. I ended up with clips from Harder, Better, Stronger, Faster by Daft Punk, Bananaphone by Raffi, and the original Leroy Jankins clips. As I started putting them together I was trying to think of a cool visualization that I could add. Eventually I ended up looking at a bunch of Youtube videos with the lyrics super imposed. This gave me the idea that I could essentially make the lyric corresponding to the sound clip pop onto screen and then fade out over time. Here is the result:
To get a good idea of what is going on I recommend viewing the video in full HD in full screen. To do this you just need to click the “Youtube” button in the Youtube player. This will take you to Youtube where you can view the project in its full glory.
Meme video project-cats control the memebase.
My project involves the fact that cat videos have basically invaded youtube. You move around a cat paw with a controller. Even though you are controlling it the cat is “starting” cat related videos. It’s like the cats are taking over. If you start all of the videos the screen will fill with pawprints and you will get the message that cat videos and images are all over.
I put in audio, but the video playing is still being extremely glitchy. The paw moves using the D-pad input it gets from processing, and it starts a video if the paw overlaps where the video would be. If you stop moving after one starts it will continue, but if you keep moving around the videos tend to crash and glitch out eventually (often rather quickly). I tried many different things and could not get this fix. Audio has been added, and the audio of the latest video you started playing will play. For some reason when the videos load it plays a few seconds of audio from all the videos together. I could not get rid of this, but it is kind of an interesting introduction to the interactive that follows. If you move the paw to all the videos, a few seconds after the last starts (if it doesn’t freeze and throw a random exception by then) the screen will fill with cat paws giving the message that cat videos and images are everywhere. Cat2 contains the code without videos to show what the ending should look like. Cat4 has the audio and video but will likely freeze before the ending is reached. I could not get a video with sound because camtasia in the labs was throwing errors related to not being able to get the sound from my computer. I tried loading the XBox360 controller driver onto my machine so I could record it on my mac, but I could not get controller input to work on my computer.
Here is a video taken on my phone that shows me pressing the dpad on the XBox controller and the program running until a video crashes:
Here is a video without the controller that shows the remainign two videos starting up:
Here is a video of how the program should end, using the version I had before the cat videos were put in:
Here is audio I put together to show an example of how it could have sounded:
Meme Madness
I tried several video input formats and i thought this one was more simple to use. At first I wanted to render between two videos related to the theme Meme and a live recording using the device webcam. I decided to replace the live video recording with a song. The song went well with the videos.
Somehow, I am not able to attach my video. Here’s the link to my project: http://youtu.be/r6-kCL1459g
Meme Remix Project
For this project I continued on material we started in class and created a program in which a user can use an xbox controller to play videos, and crossfade between them, as well as trigger audio clips. I took some of the most well known songs that have become memes (such as Rick Astleys – Never Gonna Give You Up) and seperated the audio from the video so that users could see what it would be like if their favorite song suddenly had a new music video. This has yeilded some pretty interesting results. Video will be posted as soon as I can figure out how to incorporate the sound.
EDIT: Here is the final version, all transitions and sounds are being played via controller. Please excuse the crappy remixing, I can barely keep on beat when im awake let alone at 3am. Also sound does not come in until about 1.05.
Gangnam Style Squared!
I love the Gangnam Style song, and I like the version of the song where Hyuna sings even more. So I figured, since the songs have the same tempo and everything, I’d like to make a patch that lets people seamlessly change between the two videos. In PD, I created this patch that lets the user crossfade between the two videos using the X position of the mouse on the screen.
Here is a picture of the program. It’s a little messy. There’s a chunk of unused sound code in there because I wanted sound with the video too but the wav files of the songs were not in agreement with Pure Data so they wouldn’t play.
Here is a link to a youtube video of the program in action. It shows the entire process of using the program. First I got the files, but then I forgot to start the mouse metro so I did that and then the program functions as intended. http://youtu.be/KqMkoCJGNnc
Project #2
Well, I couldn’t get my project to work. I started out trying to do it in PD, but PD makes very little sense to me in all honesty, so I tried to do it in processing too. Then it sort of worked, but it wouldn’t render out when I tried to play it. The error was that the file was too big or something since I turned a gif into a mov file. But even without that particular problem it wasn’t working right. When I got that error I was like, well let’s see if it works without the video file. Then it would load, but for some reason it wouldn’t load the pictures and there were no errors. I have no idea how to fix this, so I’m just going to post up about what I was trying to do.
For my project I was trying to do something with a picture that I found online, this one, where I would have multiple pictures of different people and/or animals screaming noooooooo. Then I wanted to have a gif
, this one, that would be like assemble the troops. Then it was supposed to go to picture of armies lined up ready to attack. This movement between images was suppose to be done with the A and D keys to go forward and back in the progression.
P.S. I hope those pictures are actually there since it is only showing the link on my add new post page.
Project 2: Cat Meme Drum Machine
For my second project, I created a video and sound remixing drum machine using Pure Data, and using the “meme of memes” on the internet: cat videos. I chose 5 viral cat videos, some of the most popular on Youtube, and used Pure Data to create a drum machine that would remix them together and incorporate sound.
I primarily used the ‘switch’ function in Pure Data to change between the five different videos, and I made the drum machine interactive in different ways to produce different remix effects. Using the space bar starts the video remix, which begins simply just switching between two videos with a cat-meow drum beat. The user can then use the bracket keys [ ] to increase or decrease the tempo, which also increases and decreases the speed of the video switching. The s, d and f keys are linked to three other videos, and when pressed activate a different cat meow sound and cause the new video to be remixed into the visuals. Finally, pressing the a key starts a random function that randomly adds the three s, d and f videos into the remix.
The result is a remix of cat meme videos, with accompanying drum-machine like cat meow sounds to provide a beat. It’s somewhere between amusing and obnoxious, which is somewhat like the overabundance of cat videos themselves!
In the first part of the video, you can see the activation of the drum machine with the space bar, and the individual uses of the s, d and f keys. Towards the end of the video you can see the a key being used to activate the random cat drum beat function for a somewhat more ‘musical’ result.
Jayson Corey: Project 2, Ermahgerd
Ermahgerd: Jayson Corey, Project 2
For my project, I worked off of the Ermahgerd meme. Moving the mouse co-ordinates adjusts the angle and scale of the image, tapping into the random and “Derpy” factor of the original meme by allowing users to create highly distorted versions of the image that often result in hilarity.
Meme Project
For my project, I decided to do something with the Slowpoke meme.
The Slowpoke meme itself is usually a joke from several years ago, or in response to someone getting a joke lake or responding to an old topic.
I decided to show famous events from over the years that slowly fade out to reveal Slowpoke, which waits a second before saying something silly.
Here is a demonstration:
I can post the project if someone wants it.