Magic Baloons

This one went through two versions. Here’s the first, using completely random colors:

And the second version. It uses opposite colors to make it look better. Also, the closer a balloon is to the mouse, the smaller it gets. This is easily my favorite sketch so far. Click to spawn more balloons!

For some reason the background doesn’t show up online.

Infinite Slinkie?

Another fairly fast sketch. It the slight color variations make the rings look like a metal slinky, or the colorful gloss on a beetle’s shell.

Bouncy Squishy Rectangle

A little thing I made during class. It looks like a 90’s screensaver. Could use some noise to slightly randomize the bounce, perhaps?

Jayson Corey Project 1: SpawnFlower

Inspired by flowers and strobe lights, this program is designed to let you see a bunch of possible flower designs really quickly against flashing backgrounds and give you the power to summon glorious walls of light in short bursts. This project is a byproduct of me screaming at another program for this project that refused to do what I wanted it to do, and me wanting to make a lot of flashing rainbow colors that are randomly generated and highly obnoxious. Press any key to cause the display to flash a rainbow color at random. Enjoy!

Also, it tends to run a lot faster in this blog than it should actually run. That ultimately makes the flashes you cause more subtle and hurts the interactivity, and makes some odd effects with lines. But it also makes the program a bit more humorous. Trade offs.

It’s a Head

It’s a dude’s head. I drew simple shapes on paper and then converted them all into code. This was the most tedious processing program I’ve made yet.

Nature/Machine Project 2

For my second project, I had used the rain idea and tried to make ripples on a water surface.
After some playing around, I noticed that the way the ripples were created seemed to approximate bacterial growth patterns.
The code is very simple right now, so I hope to go back and refine the way it places the ‘bacteria.’

noise(); does not seem to work properly on the blog, at least how I have it. Here is the code for now, I will be working on fixing it.

float x, y;
int i = 0;

void setup(){

void draw(){
x = noise(i)*width;
y = noise(i+20)*height;

Simple Colors Swoosh About

This took a few iterations, and it didn’t turn out exactly the way I wanted. I wanted it to just go all the way around in a circle, but people seemed to like it when the center point jumped to the side and moved around. So I kept it.

Nature/Machine Project 1

In my first project for this assignment, I had originally wanted to go with an animation based on rain, but I moved on from that partway through.
I ended up doing snow instead, adapting most of my code.

The program now spawns snowflake objects that fall from the top of the screen to stick at the bottom.

Crazy Rain and Colors

It’s raining, so burn everything!


I initially tried animating shooting stars, but I was not able to have legit results. I was then inspired by the marvelous view of an eclipse.