Project 1 – Part 1

This is just the rain falling down the screen. It does a weird bunching thing at the beginning where more will fall than usual, but that makes sense with the use of arrays and it trying to have the same number of drops on screen at all times. It’s just here to look pretty, so it doesn’t do anything really special.

Project 1 – Part 2

This one is just a simple little flower. I know it’s out of character with the others, but I couldn’t really think of a good sky scene that would be interactive. So instead you get a little flower that will be centered around the mouse and will change colors when you click the mouse. Be sure to click three times.

Project 1 – Part 3

This is way more in keeping with the sky projects I planned on doing. It is someone looking up at the clouds moving across the sky on a clear day. The code for it is really similar to the code from the rain sketch, so this one was much easier to do than the others in my opinion. Sorry that the clouds are just lame circles I was trying to make then more cloud shaped, but I couldn’t really get it right.

Nature 3 – Atomic Flower

There are so many beautiful flowers of every color out in the nature. What I wanted to create was more of a dynamic kind of beauty. Here is the atomic flower.

Nature 2 – Clouds

Clouds, they move. What’s more? They move according to your mouse pointer. Click around to move the clouds accordingly.

Nature 1 – Olber’s Paradox

Olber’s Paradox is an argument that contradicts the existence of an infinite static universe. If it is assumed that there are an infinite number of stars, then the night sky should be bright. The sketch starts with the Big Bang, and then proceedss to expands until it reaches a static state.

Nature picture 3 – Caterpiller to buetterfly

After my last two images involved growth I thought I should find a way to include that theme with my last drawing as well. I decided this time to go with growing of a slightly different sort. The picture starts out with a little caterpillar on a dark background. Over time things begin to lighten up for the little caterpillar. It’s background becomes light green and it develops a cocoon around it’s caterpillar body. In the code the cocoon function still calls the caterpillar function as the original caterpiller still makes up part of the cocoon image. Later the background turns cyan as the bug grows wings and becomes a butterfly. In the image the cocoon becomes part of the wings. The butterfly function still calls cocoon and cocoon in turn calls caterpillar. The earlier portions of the image literally morph into portions of the new image. If you move the mouse around at any point all colored portions of the bug will change color or saturation based on the x and y coordinates of the mouse.

Edit: I don’t know why so many of my things don’t look right on the blog. For some reason the version here is not adapting to the mouse position even though every time I test it in processing it works for me. I don’t really know how to fix this.

Nature 1

For this piece I wanted to do something representing the different seasons. The tree changes between how it would be seen in the different seasons depending on what quarter of the canvas the mouse is on.
PImage myPicture;
PImage myPicture2;
PImage myPicture3;
PImage myPicture4;

void setup(){
myPicture = loadImage(“treeeee.png”);
myPicture2 = loadImage(“summer.png”);
myPicture3 = loadImage(“fall.png”);
myPicture4 = loadImage(“winter.png”);

void draw(){
if (mouseX

Nature image 2 – growing trees

I liked the idea of using processing to make a tree with which the leaves branched greatly and were very sporadic. It represented nature in that it is not tamed or maintained in a neat orderly predictable way. I used noise in various places and a great number of random variables. I played around with a lot of different ways of drawing the leaves before getting the leaves to look a way I was satisfied with. After making the leaves, I decided to make the trunk in a similar way. I had lines of random shades of brown going down to somewhat random locations. The trunk was made entirely of these lines giving it an interesting grainy effect. The fact that the lines all come from a single center point make it seem like you are looking up at the tree and it makes the tree look very tall. After I made the first large tree I decided to make a second smaller one that grows after the first finishes. I likes the effect of having a large tree looking over a newer smaller one. I also played around with the background color but ultimately decided to use black due to the bright shades of green and the somewhat light brown trunk. I suggest watching through until the picture is finished but at any point you may click mouse to start over. Some times a trunk will look like two trunks and some times it will look like one based on the line placement. A trunk may also look full or somewhat broken to one side. The image should never look exactly the same twice.

EDIT: This looks different when I run it in processing on my computer. The center points of the leaves, and the points the trunks radiate from look different. These trunks look narrower than mine. The trunks here are always split as far as I can tell but on mine they are more commonly nearly full or at the very least much less split. It also looks sort of different in general to me. I apologize for this. I still like how the posted image looks but prefer my original.

Nature vs. Machine Sketch 2

My second sketch characterizes the darker side of the Nature/Machine interaction. We see a clear blue sky, but whenever we interact with it (read as: mouse over it) a black stain starts to appear. This is the inevitability of destruction. Could this be smoke in our atmosphere? Possibly. What happens when you click? what about when you hold the cursor still and click? Does it get better or worse….